What we do  Membership  The Committee  The Officers  Committee Members


Carlton le Willows Grammar School Society was formed in 1995 after a reunion at the School organised by David Carnell,  the first Head Boy.     He had been involved with the original ex-pupils’ society,  Salix,  formed in 1961.  This closed after a few years for lack of interest,  so there was no formal society for the Grammar School for many years.  David organised the 1995 reunion at his own risk,  and when it became clear that most of those attending were keen to repeat the experience he proposed the formation of the present Society so that the financial risks and work involved in organising such functions could be shared amongst the members.  







From a meeting of those interested a committee was formed and David was elected Chairman.  They decided on the new name for the Society,  agreed a structure and constitution and soon signed up over 180 members,  each paying a suscription intended to provide funds for further reunions and to develop other ideas,  including a magazine and a Membership Directory of contact details to be updated each year.

What we do

‘Salix’,  now our Magazine and edited by Alan Streather,  is published around three times a year and as a survey in 2002 (see below) showed it  has become very popular with members,  who read it and contribute to its columns with enthusiasm.  Jeff Mann,  as Membership Secretary,  produces the Directory and issues it in August each year to every member:  it shows the names,  addresses,  telephone numbers and email addresses for all members – the contact details are omitted where members do not want these details to be published.






A second successful reunion followed in 1997 and a third in 2000.  We  have continued to organise reunions at intervals of two to three years and also various other kinds of event,  including less formal meetings and outings such as our recent visit to Southwell Minster and the Workhouse,   and develop new services including this website.



A survey in 2002 of both current and past members of the Society delivered a very encouraging response,  but also showed ways in which we might improve our service to appeal to a wider range of ex-pupils.  The Website of that time,  in particular,  was criticised and respondents suggested a number of ways we might develop the site to help old friends - especially those now living away from Nottinghamshire and even out of Britain - keep in touch with each other and with us.  On this re-developed site,  edited by Roger Pikett,  we have developed some of those ideas.






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Anyone who was a pupil at the school,  or on the staff,  between its opening in 1953 (with a second-year intake selected in 1952) and 1974 is eligible for membership.  Subscriptions currently cost £10 p.a.,  which funds the Society’s activities and provides a reserve to underwrite major events.  The subscription year runs from January each year,  but new subscriptions from September in any year are run initially for sixteen months.  It is run by a committee elected at the annual general meeting – usually in September or October – and all members are entitled to attend all committee meetings as observers and to comment on proceedings.  Other membership benefits include the Membership List and the magazine Salix.  The Society’s events usually have an admission charge designed to cover the cost of the event and the smaller events are limited to members (and sometimes their partners) only.  Larger events such as reunions are open to all ex-pupils and staff,  but members are usually offered a discount. 






Our membership shrank in the years following the launch, and is usually around 150,  including our honorary life members  who were offered that status  in recognition of their services to the Society and the Grammar School.  We think our membership represents about a tenth of those eligible:  we’re keen to contact the rest,  and to have them join.


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The Committee

The Committee is elected from the membership at the Annual General Meeting each year and its composition is flexible – in practice no-one who wanted to serve has ever failed to be elected.    Committee members have individual skills they can bring to the Society,  but their most important contribution is to bring their own views and ideas to the meetings.  At present we lack committee members from the later years of the Grammar School’s history,  and that inevitably means we can’t reflect the views and interests of those later years,  much as we would like and need to.  





The committee meets whenever there is business to be done,  though the occasions have an element of an informal ‘reunion’ about them as well.  At the moment they meet at the Membership Secretary’s house in Calverton.  Jeff has constructed an amazing conservatory behind his house (probably not specifically for Committee meetings)  which makes a splendid venue with space for other members who may want to attend particular meetings – all members are welcome to do this,  but it helps if they let Jeff know they’re coming beforehand.  The dates of meetings are published on this site.
If you have a point to make but can’t attend a committee meeting – or if you aren’t a member - send an email to one of us.  Emails to ‘ committee@carltonlewillowsgs.org.uk ’ will be forwarded to all committee members.   


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The Officers


David Carnell



Stuart Andrews



Alan Hopwood



Jeff Mann

Membership Secretary


AIan Streather 

Editor,  Salix


Roger Pikett

(Note spelling)  Webmaster


Pat Tavner

Social Secretary



Committee Members

Andrew Gardner


(contact via committee@carltonlewillowsgs.org.uk)

Val Hunter

Liaison with ‘Friends Reunited’


John Pykett

(Note spelling – no relation)


John Wood


(contact via committee@carltonlewillowsgs.org.uk)

Tim Chamberlin


(contact via committee@carltonlewillowsgs.org.uk)

Gail Chamberlin


(contact via committee@carltonlewillowsgs.org.uk)


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