Using our site


We hope you’ll find our site layout quite straightforward.







There’s a ‘welcome’ page when you come to our web address which leads to the home page.


The various sections of our site are listed on the left of your browser window,  with links to each section.  This should always be visible.  The sections have a header with – usually – some more switches that lead you to pages within the section.   The home section itself has a leader page,  a more detailed ‘contents’ page which should tell you when each section was last updated,  and our noticeboard of future (or recent) dates and events.




Some pages begin with a list of headings within the page you can jump to if you want.



Insert Links


Where there are insert links within a page,  usually to illustrations,  these will each open in a separate window.  You should probably close the window when you’re done with an insert by using the ‘x’ on the window frame. 




Where we think you might need to print an insert,  we’ve tried to set it up so you can print it without losing stuff at the edge,  and with a white background.  Stretch the window until you can see the whole width of the document with no horizontal scroll-bar and then print it.  Success also depends on the print settings of your browser,   particularly on the width of your margins.







We can’t process forms on the site at the moment and we don’t intend to take payments online,  either.  So where we’ve given you a form to fill in we’ll present it in a separate window and we want you to use your computer to complete the form and print it.  You can then post it to the address on the form.  Any information you enter on the form will be lost when you close the window.  Once we have more hosting facilities,   we’ll process forms online that don’t need money to be sent with them.    



Viewing Offline


Depending on your browser and its settings,  you should be able to re-visit offline any page or insert on our site,  once you have visited it online.  That’s to be recommended for some of the material which takes time to study,  especially if you pay for your internet connection by the minute.  You can also save any page to your hard disc,  for your personal use only –  not for distribution or re-publication,  please.  





Links to Other Sites


Where we show links to other sites,  these should open in a new window.  So when you’ve done with the linked site,  we should be here waiting to welcome you back.





If you have any problems using the site,  we apologise,  and we’d like you to let us know.  Email and tell us what the problem is.  Please,  in every case (even when you think the problem is editorial rather than technical),  tell us which browser and which version of it you’re using and also which operating system your machine is running.  In many cases problems are due to incompatibilities between our code and particular browsers and/or operating systems. We can’t investigate unless we have this information,  but with it we may be able to adjust our pages to suit your system.